Friday, January 14, 2011

Why Ain't I Running?

Well, Garth, it's pretty simple: I'm sore. Hence no run today and no blog post until now. I've had a pulled glute or groin or something around the right hip/upper thigh for a few days and while I ran Monday and Wednesday, hoping the exercise might stretch out whatever was paining me, today I recalled the advice I read last week about listening to your pain (forget that old "No pain, no gain" mantra).

But why should a day off the streets stop me from writing? It shouldn't, so here I am. Of course without a run and without any lost and found to comment on, I'm a bit at a loss for words. How about biking? Even with muscle strains I manage to ride to work every day. It is my preferred mode of transportation. Winter riding is new for me, though. I started last year. Actually my first cold weather ride happened about six years ago when we were short a vehicle after I ruined my Toyota engine by running it out of oil. D'Oh!

Not wanting to inconvenience my wife with a rude awakening at 4 a.m. to drive me to work on a frigid January morn, I bundled up in long johns, Broncos jacket, scarf, hat and gloves and braved the cold, snow and ice. It was about 16 degrees that morning. I arrived at the railroad crossing on North Prairie Street and the gates were down. Not only that, but the blasted train wasn't moving. I waited. And waited. And I waited some more. Finally realizing I couldn't outlast the locomotive in this standoff, I started pedaling in hopes of finding an open crossing. About eight blocks east I finally made it across at Henderson Street. Then it was backpedaling, so to speak, another eight blocks to Prairie and then to The Register-Mail.

Not quite the same effect as the driving shot, but it works.
That wasn't exactly my idea of a fun morning commute. Now, however, I relish the peace of a snowy, early morning or late night ride. Under our new morning paper schedule I don't do the morning ride, though I did last winter. Still, the quiet of the dark, the skisshhh of fresh snow under bike tires is about the same at night, so I still can enjoy the solitude of winter biking. And finally I've managed to capture somewhat of a self-portrait in the saddle, as requested by my friend Jane after I used a self-portrait from behind the wheel of my car driving home from Macomb for my Facebook profile pic.

iTunes Playlist (shuffle)
Here's what I've been listening to while writing tonight:
Desire - U2
Take a Chance With Me - Roxy Music
Detox Mansion - Warren Zevon
Holiday - Madonna
Hit Somebody! (Hockey Song) - Warren Zevon
Yet Another Movie - Pink Floyd

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