Friday, January 28, 2011

Roger, Challenger...

You know the rest of that quote. And I use it with deepest respect and honor to those astronauts. I was a student at Western Illinois University when Challenger exploded. I heard about it just before my history class. As I walked into Higgins Hall to meet a friend for lunch, I paused in the main lounge to watch the reports of that tragedy. I remember thinking of that historic clip of Walter Cronkite delivering the news of Kennedy's assassination, removing his glasses and pausing to look at the clock as he reported the time of death. It was like that moment of near faltering when Dan Rather actually did falter and referred to President Nixon, then corrected himself to say President Reagan. 

For my generation it was our first "where were you" moment. Later we had O.J. (more a pop culture event than a tragedy, except for the Brown and Goldman families). Then came Oklahoma City and Columbine. Sept. 11 overshadowed them all. And yet, Challenger is the most vivid in my mind. Maybe it's that image of the exploding shuttle. Maybe it's the timing of it: college years, off on my own. Hard to say.

Remember them. Remember the Columbia Seven. Remember Grissom, Chaffee and White. They were pioneers, brave and bold and adventurous and visionary.

Segue: Speaking of visionary pioneers, how about Art Clokey, creator of Gumby. Huh? Well, today's run brought me into possession of a Gumby DVD. It's cracked and splotched but it plays, sort of. Made it through "Gumbasia" and a second Gumby adventure before it locked up. I'll keep trying.

Today's Stats
Temp: 28 degrees F
Distance: 6.1 miles
Weekly Total: 14.4 miles
Treasure: 26 cans; 1 black ski mask; 1 green washcloth; 1 plastic yard light holder (cracked, incomplete); 1 6-inch round head bolt; 1 Gumby DVD, "Gumbasia: Vol. 20"; 1 pair granny panties (frozen to the pavement, left behind -- or was in the right behind that was frozen to the street?); 1 Certificate of Authenticity, Banknotes of the USA, No. 07944, from the American Mint, for a $100 Banjamin Franklin c. 2001 (wish the banknote were with it!).

iPod Playlist (shuffle)
Rock You Like a Hurricane - Scorpions
Rain King - Counting Crows
A Hard Day's Night - The Beatles
Scenes From an Italian Restaurant - Billy Joel
Superman - Five for Fighting
Kick Drum Heart - The Avett Brothers
Hard on You - Rob Thomas
Rosanna - Toto
Message in a Bottle (live) - John Mayer
Sleep 'Til the War is Over - Rob Thomas
One of These Things First - Nick Drake
Eight Days a Week - The Beatles
Tom Sawyer - Rush
Missundaztood - Pink
Run Like Hell - Pink Floyd
You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette
Somebody' Baby - Jackson Browne


  1. I remember sitting in the Union at Augie watching it over and over again, packed house and no one was saying a word, lots of tears and shock.

    I was working at NASA Ames when the Columbia tragedy happened. Everybody was in shock and trying to find something productive to do. I spent 2 days pouring over my firewall logs just in case there might be something useful.

    Sure wouldn't stop me from hopping on one of those birds if I had a chance but it does make you remember what heroes our astronauts truly are.
