Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Excitable Boy

Maybe excitable is a bit much, but I experienced a revival of confidence today. For the first time in weeks I felt some reassurance that I can still pull it together for the Galesburg Half Marathon Express on June 2. Yeah, I did only 4 miles. OK, not even 4 miles, but damned close, all right? But I felt good. Not that I wasn’t tired and a little sore, but I was certain that given more available time I could have kept going. I was in the zone. Or close to it.

Awaiting the start of the Run Galesburg Run 5K last year.
Twice I was thwarted by trains. Intending my 3.4-mile route, given time constraints today (yes, it was my day off, but I was busy, OK?). First, as I hit Academy Street and was about to turn north, the crossing arms came down, diverting my path momentarily south to the Donald L. Moffitt Overpass (what a ridiculous name – no disrespect to the honorable Rep. Moffitt) and over the tracks to Garfield Avenue. Then I turned north. The detour gave me a couple extra blocks on my distance.

So when I reached my northern turning point, where I sometimes continue a couple blocks farther to ensure the 3.4 miles, just turned east for a few blocks before heading back south toward home. Alas, as I approached the crossing just beyond North and Prairie streets, the passing train slowed and stopped. Ugh. Frustration. I was on a schedule today; needed to shower, pick up D3 (that’s code for my youngest of three daughters), have dinner and get her to her junior high band concert.

I loitered. No phone today, so no pix of the train or the waiting cars or the waiting me. I jogged west to peer down the line and see if the crossing a couple blocks away was open. It was not. I jogged back. I walked back and forth for a block. I stood around. I walked the block again. Stood around some more. Did knee lifts (like marching in place) to keep limber and waited. Finally the freight began to inch along eastward and the tracks cleared after about a 15-minute delay.

My knee felt fairly good and I felt strengthened and rejuvenated. The feeling that I can and will rise to the occasion in a few short weeks returned. Now to hold onto that.

To top it all off, I received a “shout out” from an old friend. Here’s what Brian had to say:

I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much I appreciate your blog.  Just finished lunch and catching up with your posts to avoid doing any real work.  It occurred to me that I probably haven't let you know how much I enjoy your work.
Photos are really good, subject is fun and makes me nostalgic for the old hometown and of course I love your playlists (especially the trends - digging that Matchbox Twenty, are we?).

Brian, right, and I, second from right, with Paul Keser, second from left,
and Glenn Ford, left, for a pre-wedding photo at Fat Fish Pub.
That sounds like I’m basking and bathing my ego in sunshine, and perhaps I am a little. But really it’s more a public “thank you” to my pal Brian Fry for his encouragement and kind words. I haven’t seen him since November of last year at the wedding of another close friend (close friends) and it was a longer interval since our last reunion. We vowed in November to stay in touch better and really haven’t. Since he’s made the move, it’s imperative that I step up and we uphold that promise together. What’s that line from “Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)”?

“Understand that friends come and go, / but for the precious few you should hold on. / Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle / because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.”

There’s also this bit of wisdom: “Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone.”

I hope Brian doesn’t mind my quoting his personal message to me. I do so with reverence and appreciation. Thanks, buddy.

Today's Stats
Temp: 77 degrees F
Distance: 3.96 miles (Can’t I just call it 4?)
Weekly Total: 3.96 miles
Treasure: Patience.

iPod Playlist (Shuffle):
Tell Me Why – The Beatles
Is There Something I Should Know? – Duran Duran
Lucky Star – Madonna
Poor Poor Pitiful Me – Warren Zevon
Genius – Warren Zevon (If you watch none of my video links, watch this one; Warren deserves your admiration and respect. Oh, and he deserves to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.)
Passenger Seat – Death Cab for Cutie
Why Can’t This Be Love – Van Halen
Swearin’ To God – Frankie Valli
Come Running – Van Morrison
Excitable Boy – Warren Zevon

Songs while I was waiting on a stopped train:
Silver and Gold (live) – U2
Afternoon Delight – Starland Vocal Band
I’ll Work For YourLove – Bruce Springsteen
Fool To Love You – John Mayer

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