Friday, December 9, 2011

Making Tracks

When I saw the snow cover out the window this morning I actually got a little excited to run in it. I mean, I made note of the snow two days ago, but that really left nothing on the street, just a vestige of pre-winter décor. And while last night’s blanket is not even a real inch (at least it doesn’t look like it amounts to that), it is a covering and the streets are sloppy and slick in spots, for a runner anyway.

Now, let me explain. I do not really relish the snow. But I enjoy a little variety in life and in my run. That’s why I won’t give in to wussdom and spend my winter running on the convenient indoor track in my building. Hell, I know people who would love to have an indoor track right in their abode. But how dull would it be to run little ovals day in and day out? God, it’d be like NASCAR without a car. Round and round and round. Ho-hum. Yawn. 

The snow looked less appealing out the front door than
it did out my bedroom window. Oh well.
No, put me on the street, slop and all. Slick bricks. Cans. Paper clips. Lost mittens, kittens. Cold wind, blistering sun, flurries, downpours. That’s what makes running fun. That and the natural high, as discussed before.

Don’t believe me? Go do it. See for yourself just how awesome it is. I’ll leave you to it, and get to work on my pumpkin pie-baking video.

Today's Stats
Temp: 26 degrees F
Distance: 3.1 miles
Weekly Total: 6.2 miles
Treasure: 1 pink paper clip; 3 cans.

I just laughed when I saw this poster in the
Simmetry Cellular window on Main Street.
A well-placed bird poo looks like he's got
a runny nose. He's literally shit-faced.
 iPod Playlist (shuffle)
Lucky Star – Madonna
Running to Stand Still – U2
Goodbye Stranger – Supertramp
Spell No. 23 (For Causing That the Deceased Be Remembered in the Realm of the Dead) – Alberto Acosta
Heartbreak Warfare – John Mayer
Baby Come on Home – Led Zeppelin

1 comment:

  1. 1. I am jealous to see how short a "run" it would be to get to InnKeepers.

    2. I agree about the indoor oval--oh Lord, the repetition. I can't stand to go around in circles. (Does the "new old" Y in the 'burg still have that really short, upper-level, wooden track that takes like 10 times around to make a mile? Or maybe that's in Macomb. I'm already getting fuzzy on the details).

    3. You make running sound fun enough that you could almost get my fat a** to try it. (Almost.)
