Thursday, April 14, 2011

Yes, go toward the lights

 It was strange running so late at night; it's been a while since I've done that. With a co-worker on vacation, the Farmer's Forecast section to finish and the weekly Out & About entertainment section to do, I had a long day at work (went in early). Made a mad dash to church for the Wednesday Night Live! program only to find out I'd forgotten there would be no worship service, thus no need for my A/V services. I did get dinner, though, so that was a plus. Then it was off to buy a very special chair at Salvation Army.

Daughter No. 3 and I picked up the funky furniture and spent some time together doing math homework (fortunately she didn't need my help after all because I remember none of that stuff) and then we read a chapter of Suzanne Collins's "Catching Fire." It's getting quite exciting.

So it was that I couldn't take to the streets until after 11 p.m. Wednesday. Admittedly, there might have been some procrastination in there, too. Being off schedule is too easy and makes it all the harder to run. And like any exercise it becomes physically more daunting with delay. Gotta change that attitude.

 Well, I must say it was mostly enjoyable running up North Broad Street and later North Prairie, following the line of ornamental street lights for which homeowners in those neighborhoods were assessed a fee for restoration 20-plus years ago. Individually they're not as bright as the generic big street lights, but there are more of them and at closer intervals along the block, so the result is better, more even lighting. That's a plus when you're running along the gutter and hoping to spot any lurking limbs, potholes or debris that might send you headlong.

Best find of the night was a pair of classic Adidas tennis shoes (updated Superstars). You know the ones: white leather, three black stripes each side from lace-holes to sole, groovy rubber toe. Thankfully they appear to be about a size 12 or larger (I only held one up sole to sole with my left foot) or I might be tempted to fumigate and keep em. They are definitely cool kicks. But this pair is pretty battered and certainly smelly.

And for some reason I am still compelled to pick up cigarette hard packs if they’re in really good condition. They just seem useful — I hate wasted packaging. Maybe it’s because my friend Shubie has a Marlboro hard pack that’s been used as a housing for a mini-amp for a guitar. Apparently some guys produced a number of these back in the day and thought of even taking the idea into mass production. Supposedly the tobacco giants wouldn’t let them capitalize on their garbage. Dicks. (Amended: I gather from the Google results that people do make and sell these. Damned urban legends always stick it to the corporate mopes.)

Today's Stats
Temp: 63 degrees F
Distance: 4 miles
Weekly Total: 4 miles
Treasure: 1 Thinsulate glove (left); 1 pair classic Adidas (size 12+); 1 white washcloth (dirty, obviously);1 nut, two washers; 1 pristine Marlboro Gold Pack (empty, of course); 9 cans.

iPod Playlist (shuffle)
Rock of Ages - Def Leppard
Unanswered Prayers - Garth Brooks
Da Tu Amor - Santana
Genuit Puerpera Regem - Cregorian Chant
Salt of the Earth - The Rolling Stones
You Speak My Language - Morphine
Scuse Me? - The Rogues
83 (live) - John Mayer

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