Friday, December 24, 2010

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Like we have any real control over it anyway. So it seems the laissez faire policy is a good one when it comes to the weather. I suppose that's more a philosophy than a policy. Again, we cannot control the weather (well, you and I cannot), so it is best to not fret it.

There really wasn't much to fret at the time of my run. The flurries were light and pretty, the air not too cold, the ground not too slick. I will say running over bicycle tracks and footprints set in thick ice is hazardous at best. That terrain, found mostly on sidewalks where I divert when I hit busier streets like Fremont and Losey while cutting over to the next side street, is bound to give an ankle a turn. I've been careful and lucky so far.

The morning started off rather uneventful, just a couple of soda cans on my old neighborhood route, the first route I created when I started the Couch to 5K program back in April/May. On the one hand it was heartening that my 'hood was so clean. But I wanted some goodies. Well, St. Nick didn't disappoint. Christmas Eve brought as much bounty as Christmas surely will.

For the second straight run I happened across what I believe is a do-rag. I haven't thawed it out yet -- it remains frozen stiff in a bag out in the garage with the rest of today's haul. What is it with the do-rags? Dudes tired of 'em? Was there a scuffle? Hard to say. Next street over I picked up the top half of a plastic gift card from Dollar Tree. Too bad it wasn't the bottom half!

From there it just got weirder. Within a block on Willard Street, one street east and about a block north of my abode, I found two flip-flops -- mismatched, one clearly a child's, the other larger and plain-- half of an ugly necktie, and then the prize to top all prizes: A full, unopened package of Hy-Vee brand Little Smokies! That's right, Little Smokies! WTF!? Yesterday was garbage day in the neighborhood, so I suppose they could be out of date and simply fell out of someone's garbage can when the haulers dumped it into the truck. But it's also the holiday season and party time, and what better party dish is there than Little Smokies in barbecue sauce? Maybe they fell out of some poor mope's shopping bag on the way into the house. That's too bad, because that means somebody's looking at a party that's just a little less appetizing this Christmas. But hey, maybe they'll make a nice addition to our Christmas dinner tomorrow. Hey, if Homer Simpson can chow down on "floor pie," why can't we enjoy some Willard Wienies? :-)

Today's Stats
Temp: 28 degrees F
Distance: 3 miles
Weekly Total: 14.6 miles
Treasure: 5 aluminum cans; 2 flip-flops (mismatched); 1 do-rag (I think); 1/2 necktie; 1 gift card hanger (Dollar Tree); 1/2 CD jewel case ("Unforgettable: With Love," Natalie Cole).

iPod Playlist (shuffle)
Something's Missing (live) - John Mayer
Uptown Girl - Billy Joel
Tik Tok - Ke$ha
You Can't Always Get What You Want - The Rolling Stones
Lovesong - The Cure
Communication Breakdown - Led Zeppelin
Piano Man - Billy Joel

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