Monday, December 13, 2010

Everybody's Got Their Own 13

 "Next thing you know, I'm high and flyin'."

Matthew West's "Next Thing You Know" is a song about discovery and belief. For some, like the singer, God becomes real at a very specific moment in life. In this case it was at the age of 13 when he felt the joy of salvation as the Rev. Billy Graham and "the people" sang "Just As I Am."

Paused for a self-portrait at the corner
near Silas Willard School. Hoped to get
the temp on the sign at the chiropractor
office down the street, but it was stuck
on the time -- and it usually has the temp
wrong anyway.
OK, so I felt no joy of salvation today as I trod the snowy streets of Galesburg. But since none of the songs in today's shuffle mix inspired a quotation for this entry, I was drawn first to thoughts of Lucky 7 (the temperature) and "unlucky" 13 (the date). That led to the line from "Next Thing You Know." There you have a little insight into how the musical mind works. 

What I did feel today as I ran downtown and back into the northern neighborhoods near mine was exhilaration and a little relief. Honestly I thought a run in this air with icy, snowy streets would be miserable and treacherous. But it wasn't that bad. I'm not spouting bravado here. It was COLD! But my lungs weren't burning and my body was warmed by the layers I wore and the exertion of pumping legs and arms and heart. 

Alas, it wasn't a rich treasure day for the street scavenger. On Prairie Street I spotted a plastic bucket with a handle, the kind ice cream comes in, and I picked it up and carried it a few strides before deciding it was a worthless object. Sure, I could have brought it home and used it for potting soil or gardening supplies, but we have buckets for that already. So I dropped it. Later, in front of Cottage Hospital I spied a black elastic ponytail holder, but didn't give it a second thought. With four women in my household there are thousands of those things hiding in every conceivable nook and crevice. 

Finally, just two blocks from home, I ran across a dime, frozen to the pavement. Really, it was frozen to the street, though thankfully not exactly encased in ice. I did have to use a key to pry it loose, though. So another cash cow day. Yea!

Today's stats:
Temp: 7 degrees F
Distance: 5 miles
Treasure: 1 thin dime (1994 Denver mint), frozen to the pavement.

iPod Playlist (shuffle)
From Me To You - The Beatles
The Prefect Space - The Avett Brothers
I Hate You (My Friend) - John Oszajca
What Kind of Love - Rodney Crowell
The Longest Time - Billy Joel
Back 2 Good - Matchbox Twenty
Hungry Like The Wolf - Duran Duran
Lawyers, Guns And Money - Warren Zevon
Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2) - Pink Floyd
Bright Lights - Matchbox Twenty
Wolves - Garth Brooks
One After 909 - The Beatles
I Was In The House When The House Burned Down - Warren Zevon
Breathe (2 AM) - Anna Nalick
Gone To California - Pink

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