Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Outstanding In A Field

To be clear, I do not mean to say I am outstanding in my field. Rather, today I found myself out standing in a field. In my exploration of new roads I wandered west and out Accommodation Street, which sort of parallels a line of BNSF tracks for a way off of South Henderson Street. 


While I suspected the road might be a dead end, especially once the pavement gave way to gravel and dirt, there was no sign declaring it, so I was hopeful it might intersect with a north-south street and take me back to a residential area. No such luck. The road petered out and there was, surrounded by a field of beans or something and a couple pieces of heavy equipment. Huh.

I suppose I could have cut across the field and eventually found a road, but this ain’t Sweden, where everyone has the right to traipse across all land so long as you’re not creating a ruckus. I backtracked rather than risk the ire of some farmer or other landowner (pretty sure it’s not BNSF property there, but that would be trouble). 

The upside is that when I returned to Henderson Street I discovered a broken brick at the junction and the partial words on it made it interesting. Hey, I’ve never picked up a brick on a run before. Not likely I’ll do it again. Tell you what, I discovered a new training regimen for NFL ball-carriers. Give those guys a football-sized/shaped brick to run around with – great way to build muscle in defense of forced fumbles!

Today's Stats
Temp: 79-83 degrees F
Distance: 3.36 miles
Weekly Total: 3.36 miles
Treasure: 9 cans; 1 penny; 1 purple worm lure; 1 partial brick with letters; 1 Tony Hawk Skateboarding T-shirt (left it on the road); and I’ll add the 7 cans I brought home from Lake Argyle.

iPod Playlist (Shuffle):
Our Song – Yes
Mr. Roboto - Styx
In Your Eyes – Peter Gabriel
Heartbeat-It’s A Lovebeat – The DeFranco Family
Let It Ride – Ryan Adams
Stickshifts And Safetybelts Cake
The Lie – Matthew West
Somebody’s Baby – Jackson Browne
We Will Not Be Lovers – The Waterboys
The Camera Eye – Rush

1 comment:

  1. Running down that street gave me the heebie geebies, especially that last abandoned looking house. You need yourself a city map to scout out all the streets. While not 100% accurate it give you a good idea of what goes where, etc. I have one taped to my dining room wall. I reference it all the time for runs.
